Schedule Your Free 15 min. Inquiry Session

• Are you a natural problem solver?
• Do people confide in you their deepest secrets, wishes, & dreams?
• Do you genuinely seek to bring out the best in people?
Start a new career as a Certified Dream-Life Coach® and increase your earning potential!
A Certified Dream-Life Coach is a trained professional who has a mastery level understanding of nocturnal dreams, as well as the skills to support people in living their dream lives.
Dream-Life Coach Training is designed for busy people who have full lives and are looking at gracefully learning a new skill set so that they can ease-fully transition into a new career as a Dream-Life Coach.
As a Certified Dream-Life Coach® you will learn the secrets to…
• Make a meaningful & lasting difference in people’s lives
• Enjoy flexible hours
• Get paid while you grow, develop, and become a more empowered version of yourself
Our Purpose:
At Dream-Life Coach Training our purpose is to train and empower coaches to awaken their innate gifts, talents, genius, intuition, soulfulness, healing abilities, navigational guidance, and thus, the ability to create a prosperous and fulfilling life that contributes in a meaningful way to others, and that makes the world a better place.
Our program is designed to uniquely serve your dreams and your ability to live your “dream life”… while endowing you with the skills to pay it forward.
Start a new career as a Certified Dream-Life Coach® with our 1-year (48-week) program, and gain a sense of purpose while you help others to live the life of their dreams.
During this Home Study training program you will learn the skills and tools to become a Certified Dream-Life Coach®.
As a Certified Dream-Life Coach you will also receive marketing support to get started in your new career.
How It Works:
There are 44 one-hour Sessions, 4 quarter tests, and 1 final.
For each of the 44 sessions you will receive a Class at a Glance packet (an overview) that includes:
- *Purpose *Payoff and *Process
- Introductory Video
- One hour audio mp3
- Written session transcription
- Homework assignment
*Personalized Support: We are here for, to answer your personal questions and meet your individualized needs. Simply reach out to: and within 24 hours your questions will be answered.
*Homework Liaison: For each session’s homework, you will receive personalized feedback from our DLCT Homework Liaison, who will also be there to guide you throughout the program to support you in answering any questions that arise along the way.
*Third Thursdays-Live Conference Call: On the third thursday of each month, at 4pm PST, DLCT hosts a live conference call for all DLCT students, facilitated by a Certified Dream Life Coach.
On these Third Thursday calls, you’ll receive:
- Live interaction from a Certified Dream-Life Coach
- Answers to questions you may have about the DLCT program
- Support with Dream Interpretation
- Check in regarding your Dream Project
- Network with other DLCT students
and more!
1 on 1 Dream-Life Coaching Sessions:
*Platinum member tuition includes 3 one-hour sessions with a Certified DLCT Coach.
**Gold member tuition includes 1 one-hour session with a Certified DLCT Coach.
Assessments & Tests:
For Gold and Platinum Members, there are 4 tests during sessions (12, 25, 38, & 48) to assess your retention and comprehension of the materials taught up to that point.
End of Year Test: Your mentor will work with you via phone, or Skype, to test you on the main points covered during the entire program.
The BAD PJs are pillars of DLCT—they are soul-centered, dream-centric, self-love exercises to keep us in the habit of tending to our soul.
BAD PJs are an acronym for:
• Buddy (check in with your Dream Buddy)
• Activation (Activate a dream)
• Date (dream Date-by yourself-to nourish your dreamer’s soul)
• Project (action toward your end of year Dream Project)
• Journal (write at least a page a day in your DLCT Journal)
Here’s a little more about the BAD PJs:
• Buddy – Talk with your accountability partner who you check in with each week. During these 15-minute check-ins (either via Skype, phone, or in person) share how your week has been going as it relates to DLCT. Share significant dreams, Ahas, synchronicities, breakdowns/breakthroughs, what you did on your Dream Date, or your Dream Activation. Also share regarding your Dream Project and what you will do this week to stay on track for your end of the year “Show & Tell”.
• Activation – Take an action in your waking life related to a nocturnal dream—i.e. calling the person you dreamed about; wearing a color that was prominent in your dream, paint your dream, or create a vision board based on your dream. Do at least one Dream Activation per week.
• Date – This weekly excursion is something that feeds your soul (ala Julia Cameron’s Artist Date from the book, “The Artist’s Way”). This cannot be work-related in any way. It must be a reverie that your inner child/dreamer can do alone (i.e. a nap on the beach, window shopping, a drive down a street you’ve never been down, etc.) Spend 5 minutes (minimum) doing this each week.
• Project –A Dream Project demonstrates an aspect of your Dream-Life in your waking life. This project should challenge, inspire, and stretch you. Your Dream Project should have specific, measurable results (i.e. an art show, a close relationship with your previously disowned sister, a book, etc…) When you think of it you go into a state of awe. Each week take some form of action in the direction of your Dream Project. This is something that you work on (take baby-steps, or 3-foot tosses) each week. At the end of the program you will demonstrate your Dream Project to your DLCT Liaison.
• Journal –Each day write at least one page in your journal (a minimum of 5 pages per week). Your journaling can include your dream recordings (snippets, fragments, feeling tones). You can also use your journal to draw, sketch, or scrapbook images related to your vision of your dream life. Your journal is for you to be able to track your journey, and to be used as a reference point for your Dream-Life evolution.
Required Materials:
***For DLCT students only, click here for discount on entire package
***this special price is for US residents only-all others will be charged an additional $25 shipping fee)***
I Had the Strangest Dream…The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century
In the mega-selling tradition of The Dreamer’s Dictionary comes a comprehensive, contemporary guide to understanding dreams and the unconscious mind. With over 3,000 symbols and a 6-step guide to applying their definitions to one’s life, this is the ultimate guide for today’s dreamer. read excerpt…
Hot Air Balloon Sweet Dreams Self-Hypnosis mp3– While you sleep…
In this 45-minute program, Kelly Sullivan Walden leads you on a guided excursion to the innermost region of your subconscious mind, to align your mental habits with thoughts and feelings that affirm your optimum physical state of well-being and vitality. Using the brain’s natural Alpha and Theta states —the time just before sleep and during the beginning stages of sleep–to affect quantum change and quantum level vitality.
Click here for more information.
It’s All in Your Dreams: How to Interpret Your Sleeping Dreams to Make Your Waking Dreams Come True
In the magical realm of dreams you can learn a topic of fascination, study at the feet of a master, converse with a departed loved one, find an answer to a perplexing question or, explore the larger story of your life. Popular dream analyst and media personality Kelly Sullivan Walden shows how to use your dreams to create the life you want. Her 5-step process helps you remember, connect, and work with dreams in your waking life:
1. D for declaration. State what you want, clearly and precisely.
2. R for remembrance. Learn easy ways to remember exactly what you dream.
3. E for embodiment. Feel the energy in your body; bring the change into your life.
4. A for activation. Do something. Take an action to bring your dream into the waking world.
5. M for mastermind. Tell the tale of your dream and discover the details. Learn to create a dream mastermind group, share and transfer, and group dream.
Click here for more information.
Dream Oracle Cards
Dream Cards are beautifully rendered cards featuring the art of world-renowned fusion artist Rassouli and best-selling author and dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden. They’re based on the 53 most common dream symbols among modern dreamers and filled with innovative and ageless wisdom. A powerful tool to assist everyone in tapping into their dreaming mind or subconscious (which scientists say comprises 88 percent of our capacity), these cards will interpret your life and fulfill your wildest dreams. They’re valuable and fun for all, whether you’re in the living room, bedroom, boardroom, or private sanctuary. Click here for more information.

A Dream Date is time you set aside for yourself to do something by yourself.Believe it or not, this is what happens when you focus quality time on yourself.
- You feel enriched and empowered
- You have more love, energy and passion to give to others
- You feel more alive
- You become more attractive
- Your self-confidence grows
- You lose feelings of doubt or negativity
- You begin to fall in love with yourself again
Founder of Dream-Life Coach Training®
“Doctor Dream”, Kelly Sullivan Walden
Founder, Kelly Sullivan Walden is FOX News‘ Dream Expert and the author of seven books including’s #1 Bestselling book on dream interpretation. A radio host, popular media personality, sought after key-note speaker, who’s been featured on Dr. Oz, The Ricki Lake Show, and the Bethenny show.
For nearly two decades Kelly has been a trusted advisor, coach and consultant, enriching the lives of countless individuals, including transformational leaders, Fortune 500 executives, UN ambassadors, diplomats, celebrities, news anchors, TV producers, entrepreneurs, corporations, inner-city kids, and stay-at-home moms.
Kelly has been invited to speak for a wide range of audiences from the United Nations, to the Dole Corporation, and recently to Lady Gaga’s Management Company.
On the philanthropic side of things, Kelly is the founder of the Dream Project, a non-profit organization that inspires children all over the world to solve the issues described in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
A bridge from the physical to the meta-physical, for the past 17 years Kelly has been synthesizing multiple psychological and spiritual systems into what has become her holistic way of coaching that supports people in living their Hero’s Dream Journey on a mind, body, spirit, and soul level. Some of these systems include DreamWork, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life-Visioning, Prayer Treatments, Human Design, Brain Dominance, Sub-Personality Work, Archetypal Psychology, and Shamanism. In addition, Kelly has launched several successful Bestseller book campaigns and has the skill to support people in taking their dreams to market in a BIG way.
She is thrilled to share her success secrets to empower you to enjoy a rewarding and lucrative career as a Dream-Life Coach®.
Dreaming, learning, laughing, loving and healing. The Dream-Life Coach Training program is one of the most challenging – yet rewarding – experiences I have ever encountered. When I began the program I was only able to remember a few dreams periodically. By the end I had documented more than 300 dreams during the training period and finished more than forty deeply probing written homework assignments. Kelly does a magnificent job of teaching how to remember our nighttime dreams, decode them, acquire the most important messages from the dreams and use them to assistant us in achieving our daytime goals.
However, the course does not stop there. The class opened my eyes to many interrelated concepts, beliefs and philosophies, encompassing shamanism, Greece mythology, oracle cards and meditation. Participants learn about Carl Jung’s teachings – from archetypes to collective consciousness, from alchemy to synchronicity.
Every one of us has a genie inside. The course teaches how to obtain the magic from our inner genie, explore our untapped potential, bring our dream-life into reality and transform ourselves to shine like the brightest star in the sky.
~Ivy Black – Certified Dream-Life Coach –
Dream Life Coach Training is an enjoyable and easy to understand way to learn all about dreams–why they’re important, how to understand them, and how to apply their meanings to our waking lives.
Anyone taking this course will develop the knowledge and techniques to become a very competent Dream Life Coach who is able to help others use their dreams to improve and enhance their lives. If that was all the course provided, that would be more than enough. However, the modalities that Kelly teaches not only make dreams understandable but they are also invaluable in their application to real life situations. I found this out firsthand when, during the time I took her course, my mother got ill and subsequently died. Being able to use the tools learned in the course helped me keep my focus, gave me strength and enabled me to ease my mother’s fears during her final days. I didn’t expect this when I signed up for the course and I will be forever grateful to Kelly for creating this course and imparting this invaluable wisdom to the world.
~Debbie Weisman – Certified Dream-Life Coach –
The DLCT training has been a constant reminder to keep working on getting myself into a place where I am less afraid of all the “shoulds” and more able to focus on the power of the now and shifting my perspective from fear to love. This has been a great of way practicing being more aware and committed to higher truths. My biggest takeaway from this training has been my reconnection to source, the reminder of the power of the divinity within to be my birthright. This has really helped establish a more solid acceptance of the greatness within myself.
~Ali Lyon Winchester – Certified Dream-Life Coach –
What I learned most from DLCT is the power of enthusiasm. Previously, I would have called this type of thing “hype” or “fluff” or “frills lacking in substance”. But, as I’ve witnessed it in action, its like watching water being poured on a wilting plant…the plant almost instantly becomes more vibrant, radiant, and alive. Never once have I seen such energy have a negative effect. It always inspires.
In DLCT, Kelly teaches us to always hold a high image of ourselves (and our client)—an image of what they can be in the more perfect service of the greater good. And to tenaciously hold that image in spite of the tribulations the process may entail. In the past, it is something I would do with a lover, but it is something Kelly teaches us to do with the entire world.
I’m struck by the similarities between what I’ve been taught at DLCT and the movie, “Don Juan Di Marco”. Don Juan explains what he does:
“By seeing beyond what is visible to the eye…I see these women for how they truly are…glorious, radiant, spectacular, and perfect…because I’m not limited by my eyesight. Women react to me the way they do, Don Octavio, because they sense that I search out the beauty that dwells within until it overwhelms everything else.”
Kelly teaches us that dreams transcend the usual human barriers of social status, wealth, profession, and ego identities. When we address the mystery of dreams, we do so at a basic level of humanity…a level that is both common and yet transcendent. People lay out the incomprehensible elements of their dreams, like beads of a broken necklace scattering on a tabletop. In DLCT we learn how to layout the invisible positive thread for the client to string those disconnected elements to make the mystery a comprehensible whole. In other words, we learn to help the clients manifest their own unique interpretation to produce enlightenment from confusion.
~Jordan Lederer – Certified Dream-Life Coach –
The aspect of DLCT that has made the most impact on me are the practices that I’ve learned that keep me focused on my higher purpose and my spirituality. I used to be so focused on my demanding life that spirituality and taking time for myself used to take a back seat. But now, because I’ve been practicing them over the 48 sessions,
I’ve actually formed a habit and now have integrated this into my life.
My nighttime dreams have become very vivid, and I’ve been experiencing more and more synchronicity in my life related to them. I notice that I now give myself permission to connect with my inner self in a dreamy fun way that makes me realize that life is really meant to be enjoyed. I can feel a shift inside me. I really believe that my dreams along with the meditations have changed me profoundly. Through my dreams I have experienced letting go of old patterns, I have received insights and resolutions and I have even practiced standing up for myself. Through the meditations I’ve learned to connect with my higher self, which has helped me let my guard down, be myself, and enjoy intimacy in a way I haven’t known for a long time.
Paying attention to my dreams has opened up a new magical world to me. I have received so many gifts simply by paying attention to my dreams. I have healed friendships through talking things out on a higher plane in a dream. De-coding dreams is particularly fun and useful for me. I’ve had many symbols this year that seem to be telling me to let go of my armor and be more vulnerable. For example, I had a very simple dream where by boyfriend sent me a picture text of a cactus. After discussing this with Kelly and other members of DLCT I realized it symbolized my hard, spiny shell I put up in defense to being hurt. Amplifying that symbol (and the re-occurring sheep symbol I often have) gave me the strength and courage to let go and be vulnerable.
When I started the program I was in a very dark place. At the time I was stuck in a pattern of negative thinking that caused me to feel sorry for myself. I compared myself to my friends who I believed to be more successful than I. Going through the DLCT program has enabled me to connect with a higher aspect of myself, recognize my accomplishments, and take back my power. Because of this I am now able to see myself as a much more accomplished and self-confident woman…who isn’t missing out on anything.
I have grown and changed immensely through this journey. This process has allowed me to connect with my higher self and tap into a source of unconditional love—a love that I wasn’t giving to myself before this journey. Throughout this I have become more confident, I have let go of some stress and worry, I am more expressive, I feel more attractive and light.
~Jeannie Robinson – Certified Dream-Life Coach
Being a part of DLCT has been an eye opening situation for me in many ways… and has had a very positive impact on what I now know I can achieve in my life. I feel more confident, dreamy, relaxed, and take a lot more deep breaths then I ever did before. I find that my anxiety level has really dissipated. I see things from a wider perspective and am less judgmental. This work has taken me to the mountaintop and stretched me in ways I could not have dreamed before.
~Julie Sullivan – Certified Dream-Life Coach
“Kelly, I can not repay you in words, money, time, or earthly ways for your torch-lit guidance and divine wisdom. You let me heal a lifetime of strife, know it to be true. Every cell in my body alive with possibility!~Somer Cooper, Blogger, Advocate to End Domestic Violence
Topics We Will Cover:
Month 1- Ordinary World
• Overview of the Path of Dreams to Accelerate Transformation
• History of Dreams
• Dreams that Shaped History
• Dispelling Dream Myths
• Feng Shui Your Dream Zone
• Setting a Dream Declaration
• Creating a Dream Vision Board
• Rituals to Enhance Sweet Dreams
• How to Give and Receive Support from your Dream Buddy
Month 2 – Call to Adventure
• The DREAM formula
• Dream Sharing Etiquette
• “If It Were My Dream, I…”
• Offering Feedback
• Dream Symbols Related to the Call
Month 3 – Refusal of the Call
• The Phenomenon of Power
• Why We Run
• Dream Catching
• Best Ways to Record your Dream
• Observing Your Dream Behavior
• Dream Symbols Related to Refusal of the Call
Month 4 – Meet the Mentor
• Carl Jung 101
• Sigmund Freud 101
• Fritz Pearls 101
• Carlos Casteneda 101
• Spirit Guides
• Your Higher Dream Self
• Dream symbols Related to Meeting the Mentor
Month 5 – Crossing the Threshold
• Ceremonies to mark a Rite of Passage
• SADDLE Dream Interpretation Formula
• Wham Bam Dream Interpretation Formula
• Dream Amplification
• Dream symbols Related to Crossing the Threshold
Month 6 – Belly of the Whale
• Shadow Work
• How to Shine a Light on a Dark Night of the Soul
• Dream Theatre
• Dream Symbols Related to the Belly of the Whale
Month 7 – Tests, Allies, & Enemies
• The Holy Trinity of Dreams (Angel, Ego, & Caveman)
• Sex/Erotic Dreams
• SleepWorking Dreams
• Tandem Dreaming
• Dream Symbols Related to Tests, Allies & Enemies
Month 8 – Supreme Ordeal
• The F.E.A.R. Formula
• Dream Re-Entry & Re-Direction
• Soul Retrieval Via Dreams
• Dream Alchemy
• Transform Nightmares into Rocket Fuel
• Why Bad Dreams Happen to Good People
• Rehearsal Dreams
• Venting Dreams
• Dream Symbols Related to the Supreme Ordeal
Month 9 – The Reward
• Owning & Beholding Your Light
• Dreams with Rich Rewards
• Gestalt Dream Work
• Harvard Dream Studies
• Dream Manifestation: How to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams
• Dream Incubation
• Dream Symbols Related to the Reward
Month 10 – Journey Back
• Dream Remembrance
• The Castle of Dreams
• Dream Embodiment
• Dream Activation
• Remembering Your Dreams & Remembering Who You Are
• Healing Self & Others through dreams
• Dream Symbols Related to the Journey Back
Month 11-Resurrection
• Dreams that Heal
• ForGET & ForGIVE
• Awakening via Dream Work
• Dream Symbols Related to the Resurrection
Month 12 – Return with the Elixir
• Marketing Your Business
• Making a Living as a Dream-Life Coach
• Supporting Yourself by Uplifting Others
• Living Your Dream-Life
• Dream Symbols Related to the Return with the Elixir
Suggested Reading:
- Dreaming Heaven, Kelly Sullivan Walden
- Discover Your Inner Goddess Queen, Kelly Sullivan Walden
- The Portable Jung (Portable Library),
- Carl Jung
Dreams, Carl Jung - The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell
- Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan, Carlos Casteneda
- Dreaming the Soul Back Home, Robert Moss
- Creative Dreaming, Patricia Garfield
- The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron
- The Art of Navigation, Felix Wolf
- Dreaming Down Heaven, Gini Gentry
- The Queens Code, Alison Armstrong
- 2150 A.D., Thea Alexander
- Simple Abundance, Sarah Ban Breathnach
- Four-Fold Way, Angeles Arrien
- A Blue Fire, James Hillman
- Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
- Myths & Symbols in Indian Art And Civilization, Heinrich Zimmer (Edited by Joseph Campbell)
- Zen And The Art Of Making A Living, Laurence Boldt
- The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You, Dorothy Bryant
- She, Robert A. Johnson
- He, Robert A. Johnson
- We, Robert A. Johnson
How You Can Get Started:
Join DLCT Community now and get exclusive savings, downloads, and inspiration…
As a Dream Community Member
• Personal Invitation to new DreamsUnzipped Podcasts
• Dream Recording/Reflection App
• Good Grief! How to Move through Heartbreak via DreamWork
Enter your name & email for instant access:
In addition to being a member of our community, you are cordially invited to join Dream-Life Coach Training and enjoy the benefits of becoming a Certified Dream-Life Coach.
Choose your Dream-Life Coach Training Savings
All Dream-Life Coach Training Membership Packages build on what’s Included in the Silver Package:
Gold Package
This package is for you if you don’t want to become a Certified Dream-Life Coach but want to benefit from the teachings and integrate them into your life or your current profession.
Gold Package Includes:
- 44 Mp3s of Dream-Life Coach Training Sessions ($50 value each, total value: $2,200)
- 44 Transcriptions of Dream-Life Coach Training Sessions ($30 value each-total value: $1,320)
- Videos introducing each session (value: priceless)
- Exclusive access to the best of D-Spot radio show archives (value: priceless)
- Kelly’s Wham Bam Dream Interpretation Formula e-book (value: priceless)
- The 10 Most Common Dream Themes e-book (value: priceless)
Total Value: $3,520 – You pay only: $1,997 (or $175 per month for 12 months).
Or 12 Monthly Payments for $175:
*If you opt for the monthly pay option, your credit card will be charged one time per month for 12 months.
Platinum Package
The Platinum package is for you if you want to become a Certified Dream-Life Coach.
In addition to all of the above included in the GOLD Package, in PLATINUM you receive:
- 1 Private 1 hour Session with a Dream-Life Coach ($100 value each)
- Homework e-mail check-in with DLCT Mentor (value: priceless)
- Marketing Support-once you complete your certification includes
- Twelve-hours worth of marketing content (online marketing, branding, and PR support)
- Listing you on DLCT website
Total Value: $5,120 – You pay only: $2,997 (or $275 per month for 12 months):
*If you opt for the monthly pay option, your credit card will be charged one time per month for 12 months.
Ready to Register? CLICK HERE
Need a little more info? Schedule Your Free 15 min. Inquiry Session:
DLCT Board of Advisors:
Robert Moss: Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a best-selling novelist, poet, journalist and independent scholar. His nine books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming, and Dreaming the Soul Back Home. His latest book, The Boy Who Died and Came Back is a personal narrative of his adventures in multidimensional reality since an Australian doctor told his parents, when he was three, “Your boy died and came back”.

Christy Whitman: Christy Whitman is a New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. She has helped thousands of women and men around the world achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada. She has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman’s World, Woman’s Day, Teen Vogue, People Magazine, Hollywood Life, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neal Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Montreal with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim.
Ayman Sawaf is an international visionary entrepreneur, author and musician. He has founded and personally funded a variety of companies in the US, Europe and the Middle East promoting personal and spiritual development and healthy eco-centric lifestyles.He is one of the original creators of the discipline known as Emotional literacy. Through his Enchante Entertainment company, he has created and published the “Emotional Literacy” series of 21 children’s book in 1989 , executive produced award-winning movies and a series of television shows with major Hollywood studios. He is the co-founder of a market defining non-profit dedicated to emotional literacy that promotes the needs of teaching emotional literacy at home and school.
Ayman is also an early pioneer in emotional intelligence (EQ) and creator of the four cornerstone model and its application in business as illustrated in his international best selling book co-authored with Dr Robert Cooper, “Executive EQ”. He has spent the last 22 years building the evolutionary foundation for entirely new systems and industries that will monetize the ability of these perspectives to optimize human capital by providing new maps to evolve our relationships with ourselves, our family and the workplace.