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Download and/or listen to my favorite D-Spot radio interviews:
Gini Gentry – Dreaming Down Heaven
THINK CARRIE BRADSHAW MEETS CARLOS CASTANEDA OVER COSMIC COSMOPOLITANS. Dreaming Down Heaven ( bestselling book) begins with Gigi Lenox, a New Yorker whose world has just come undone. Instead of using retail therapy to ease the pain, Gigi embarks on a spiritual journey through a mystical world of tests and miracles. Gigi’s story resonates with the vast audience of those searching for authenticity amid the demands of modern life.
Meet the occasionally outrageous, always inspirational speaker and author, Gini Gentry, (former teaching partner of The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz.
Dannion & Kathryn Brinkley: Dreams & Surviving Death
On this show, we discuss why “Death is a bill of goods” and shocking wisdom gained from their death experiences, and the wisdom they retrieved from the other side of dreams.
Lauri Quinn Loewenberg – Girlfriend’s Guide to Revealing Dreams
Lauri is Kelly’s red-headed dream twin sister (from another mister)…a Certified Dream Analyst, syndicated columnist, author, and popular radio personality. She spent much of her childhood keeping a dream journal in order to capture all those wonderfully strange adventures she experienced every night.
Once she grew up and realized that she wasn’t being magically transported to some bizarre foreign land with pink fuzzy trees and twenty-foot tall people she decided to dedicate herself to finding the answers we all seek within our dreams. Lauri studied Dream Psychology and became certified as a Dream Analyst under the tutelage of Katia Romanoff, Ph.D. in 1996.
Rassouli – Access Your Creative Genius via Dreams
Fusion Artist & Mystic -Rassouli is known in the art community as an artist who reflects mysticism and near-eastern spirituality in his paintings and murals through the use of European painting technology. What appears on canvas is a timeless perspective that illuminates the divine creative light through the form of feminine power and beauty. Rassouli has created a worldwide following with his unique style and philosophy. What makes his art so unique is the way he translates spiritual experience from his subconscious onto canvas through meditation at sunrise. His vibrant hues, and joyful color blends coupled with swirling circular brushwork create a unique style of painting that he calls Fusionart, a style that Rassouli has created and registered and is presently teaching to many artists globally. Inspired and encouraged by his Sufi mystic uncle, Rassouli developed an early appreciation for painting and poetry, and he spent endless hours taking lessons from classical and impressionist artists and studying mysticism. He discovered new ways to transform his subconscious images into forms that he could express and share. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Marie Diamond – Feng Shui Your Dream Zone
Is your bedroom an obstacle course of laundry piles, credit card slips, and mismatched socks and shoes? Does your nightstand threaten to topple over like the Leaning Tower of Pisa with magazines, books, newspaper clippings, water bottles, tissue and and cough drops? Have the dust bunnies beneath your bed become so big that they’ve grown teeth? While most of us can probably see a clear(ish) path from our bed to the bedroom door, I’d bet our sleep zones (aka our bedrooms) wouldn’t make it on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens bedroom edition either. In other words, we’ve got room for improvement in the most important room in the house (in my opinion): our bedroom (aka our dream zone). Join “The Secret’s” Marie Diamond (Feng-Shui expert to the stars) and I as we share with you simple thing you can do to make a profound difference in your ability to dream your way to success! CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Jo-E Sutton – Dreamcrafting
Jo-e Sutton, Holistic Health Practitioner, joins Doctor Dream, Kelly Sullivan Walden,’s #1 bestselling author of “I Had the Strangest Dream.” Jo-e Sutton happens to be one of Kelly’s dearest friends on the planet (they call have very strange nicknames for each other–you’ll have to listen to find out!). Jo-e and Kelly discuss how to re-direct your waking dream to unfold in an empowering, life-altering way. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Robert Moss – Active Dreaming
Moss describes himself as “a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture.” He identifies the great watershed in his adult life as a sequence of visionary events that unfolded in 1987-1988, after he decided to leave the world of big cities and the fast-track life of a popular novelist (already the author of four New York Times bestsellers) and put down roots on a farm in the upper Hudson Valley of New York. Moss started dreaming in a language he did not know that proved to be an archaic form of the Mohawk language. Helped by native speakers to interpret his dreams, Moss came to believe that they had put him in touch with an ancient healer – a woman of power – and that they were calling him to a different life.
A central premise of Moss’s approach is that dreaming isn’t just what happens during sleep; dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind.He introduced his method to an international audience as an invited presenter at the conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams at the University of Leiden in 1994. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Lynn Andrews – Dreams of a Medicine Woman
Lynn serves as director of her School for Sacred Arts and Training, known to her students as Mystery School. In this role, she explores with her students the ancient teachings relating to the study of global shamanic cosmologies. Mystery School students learn that, while most people concentrate on only one aspect of reality – the rational physical world – there is an equally important spiritual realm, a venue within which she is uniquely experienced.
In a four-year course of distance learning, students gain knowledge, while training in the techniques of shamanic healing and personal empowerment that Lynn has developed over her 32-year study. Graduates are certified shamanic healers, expert in the use of ancient rituals to enable deep personal transformation through understanding and balancing the physical and spiritual worlds.
Felix Wolf – The Art of Navigation
Fifty years ago, in the summer of 1960, a young anthropology student named Carlos Castaneda set out to do field work with a Native American shaman, we came to know as don Juan Matus. His encounter stirred up the entire field of anthropology and profoundly affected an entire generation of spiritual seekers. The teachings of don Juan led to a series of bestselling books that were translated into 17 languages and sold over 10 million copies worldwide. None his 12 books ever went out of print in the 40 years since the first publication. Castaneda himself ended up on the cover of Time Magazine and was named ‘godfather of the new age movement’. Even the venerable New York Times wrote enthusiastically: “We are incredibly fortunate to have Carlos Castaneda’s books…One can’t exaggerate the significance of what he has done.” But what has he done? What is Carlos Castaneda’s legacy? Most of what has been written since his death in 1998 focused on controversial aspects of Castaneda’s personal life – as little as is reliably known – and on questions concerning the authenticity of his sources. A new book, written by Felix Wolf, one of Carlos Castaneda’s former apprentices, finally breaks the silence and attempts to present the subject matter in a more constructive manner, staying clear of the temptation to analyze and categorize Castaneda, while still providing rare insights into his enigmatic world.
Michael Brill – Numerology & Dreams
Author, Theorist, and Originator of Cosmic Numerology & Quantum Numbers, Michael has an M.Ed. and has been a Numerologist since 1985. He has over 40 years of combined experiences as an educator and trainer in public and private schools, college, business, and government. This includes ten years experience in the aerospace industry together with two years at NASA.
Michael has written three books, appeared on FOX and public television and over 500 radio programs reaching the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Cayman Islands, Europe, and Asia. Since 1985, Michael has developed and practiced a theory that melds the sciences of numerology and quantum physics, with the concepts of Gematria and reincarnation. He calls it Cosmic Numerology and Quantum Numbers.
As an Awakener, Michael uses Cosmic Numerology and Quantum Numbers to help individuals and businesses clarify their goals and time their actions. His purpose is to provide others with the tools they’ll need to assure both professional and social success. As a catalyst, he can help reawaken your Soul to its true destiny and life-calling by helping you remember the divine plan you co-wrote. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Eric Pearl – Energy Reconnecting & Healing in Dreams
Dr. Eric Pearl is the world’s leading authority in energy healing and beyond. His patients’ healings have been documented in six books to date, including Eric’s own international bestseller, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in more than 36 languages!
Dr. Pat Allen – Dream Relationships & How to Get Them
Dr. Pat Allen has written best-selling books including the legendary Instruction manual that has guided thousands of women to the altar, Getting to “I Do.” Her other popular books include Conversational Rape, Staying Married…And Loving It, It’s A Man’s World And A Woman’s Universe, The Truth About Men Will Set You Free…but first it’ll p*ss you off!, and the forthcoming Real Men Marry Virtue, Not Vaginas. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Lauren Schneider – Dreams & The Tarot
Tarotpy is Lauren Z. Schneider’s unique, pioneering method of using the symbolic language of tarot, dream, should and other image cards to literally “lay the unconscious on the table.” Like a “waking dream,” Tarotpy works as an interactive process to go beyond the “aha” of traditional therapies and provide an “awe” inspiring experience, awakening greater awareness and choices.
Chief Golden Light Eagle- Beyond Dreaming
Chief Golden Light Eagle’s book “Maka Wicahpi Wicohan” is a book of Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creation. The Universal Laws and the Spiritual Laws came into existence through the thought of the Creator: in the creation of the Universe as you would know them. Star Laws are encoding. These Laws are memory and encoding that is within the energies of Mother Earth, the energies within your physical body, the energies of realms that are beyond the beyond the beyond-beyond your understanding. Beyond all things is where you will find the beginnings of these Laws as you would understand them to be symbols as well. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Barbara Marx Hubbard – Dreams & Conscious Evolution
Conscious Evolution is the evolution of evolution, from unconscious to conscious choice. While consciousness has been evolving for billions of years, conscious evolution is new. It is part of the trajectory of human evolution, the canvas of choice before us now as we recognize that we have come to possess the powers that we used to attribute to the gods. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Robert Hoss – The Science of Dreaming
Robert Hoss, M.S., will discuss when and how much we dream as well as how brain scans have shown that much of the brain is awake during dreaming, and that there is a unique combination of centers that are active and inactive that cause the dream to appear as it does. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
The D-Spot: Robert Waggoner – Lucid Dreaming
I interview author and past president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, Robert Waggoner. Join me as we discuss his new book Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self is the account of an extraordinary talented lucid dreamer who consciously sought out the principles of the dreaming realm, while lucidly aware. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD